Tailor-made protection (incl. digital) for UHNW Individuals and Single Family Offices

How to securely store a secret, password to crypto exchange, 24-words phrase for Bitcoin or notary document?
Imagine your favorite song on your IPhone, storing the password to your vault, as small sounds, bearerly hearable.
Imagine your holiday-foto, keeping a notary will, stored as tiny color distortions. Any password, document, secret you want to store, can be hidden in a file - as sound, as colors, as other things.
It is good to store information on common things. It can be luxury brands if they are not eye-catching. It can be inside of luxury real estate but still hidden.

Check the example Free Version to play with. (Enough for testing, not secure for real secrets)

  1. You find yourself an image you like
  2. You have some text you would like to store in it
  3. You upload the picture, provide the text and click "Hide text in image"
  4. You download your new picture, that looks almost same as your initially uploaded one
  5. This picture contains your information. To verify it, you can upload your new image and click "Extract secret"
  6. Important: in this case, the downloaded image will be of type bmp (Bitmap file). If you save it anywhere as anything else than bmp (like jpeg, jpg, png, tiff, etc.), the secret information will be lost. So, it must be kept as .bmp file as the tiny colors matter.
Hiding password in image

Demo version

For hiding a text into an image:

Hide secret into an image

For extracting a text from an image:

Extract secrets from image (only .bmp files):